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Welcome Back to the Art Studio!

Be sure to check my Blog posts for new ideas!

About Sketchbooks

Sketchbooks are how artists keep journals. We use ours as a place for our daily warm-ups, called the do-now. Younger students often tear these pictures out to bring home and share. As the children get older, they enjoy seeing their progress. In the upper grades, our notes get interspersed with drawings- like real artist's sketchbooks.

About Smocks


The Art Studio has a collection of aprons for the students to wear while working. They cover our youngest artists down to their toes. Because all 800+ students use the studio each week, we don't have room for individual smocks. 

Not-Best clothes are recommended for Art days.

About Standards

We use the Ocean County Art Curriculum, covering the New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Standards, 2015 version. Our school uses four tiers: Pre-K, K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. 


Our text books are "ART Connections", and grade 6 uses "Art and Archeology".



Got glitter?

Or papers of any type, ribbons, fabrics, those sequins Aunt Jane bought for her Halloween costume 10 years ago?


We gladly do our part for the planet by repurposing, recycling, and plain using-up of any child-safe art supplies.


The children thank you for jazzing up their imaginations!


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